I went through the Endurance fansite (through the Wayback Machine), and thanks to an add-on to replace Adobe Flash Player, I went through some of the exit interviews (nobody archived those for Cameron or Taylor, sorry.
), and here are some interesting observations.
--The interviews were quite shorter than I had expected! Did you think that the producers might have a few more tapes behind the scenes?
--The Gray Team was really quite close with Yellow; both of them wanted to see Aric and Lilly do well in the game and Darci mentioned how hard it was going up to Temple with them.
----Wow with Ike wanting Taylor to go ASAP; he definitely felt betrayed with Blue's actions earlier on. It also poses more questions--do you think Ike and Taylor would've worked things out eventually (had they stayed partners)? How could've Taylor played the social game differently?
--Yellow Team was particularly proud of being honest and knowing they weren't mean to the others. Do you think they would've made a better underdog team than Connor and Taylor (had they stayed)?
----Aric: "I feel pretty proud about being the only person that spoke up yesterday--I feel more like a winner than any of those other people who are still there." That's quite honorable to hear.
--I wonder if Max's trick was better in theory than in practice--they could just have executed it off the spot, or
not have Dakota tell Taylor about said strategy. You can fool some people sometimes, but you can't fool all the people all the time.
--Connor and knots--name a better rivalry.