Post by Cruise meerkat Youssy on Apr 1, 2014 23:21:41 GMT -5
There isn't really a place with all the Endurance players' Instagram names, so I'm gonna try and make a comprehensive list! This might take a while... I'm gonna have to come back and update it a lot as I'm very busy right now, lol. If you know of one, then tell me!
Shane Peltzman- shpeltz Ron Neurauter- naroix Alejandro Rose-Garcia- shakeygraves Jenna Jimenez- jennajewmenez Max DeLeo- maxxyd? Lana Neiman- lanzabananza Ashley Gudzak- ashgudz Jonna Mannion- jonnamannion
Trey Griffin- treyman07 Abbey Konz- abbeykonz Maryelle DeVitto- mdevitto Scooter Magruder- scootermagruder Calley Payne- calleypayne Jeff Phillip- yesjeffeyes Michelle Durand- durandmi94 Tyler Burkhalter- tbabysnuggle Keetin Marchi- keetinm33 Mike Lavigne- lavigne Jenna Jimenez- jennajewmenez Max DeLeo- maxxyd?
Nick Verderosa- nickv1974
Darci Miller- darcisays
Jackie Wei- jwei1108
Post by amplify26 on Apr 3, 2014 19:13:41 GMT -5
I looked at Darci's instagram a bit and found Lilly's It's at tiger_lilly_27.
And for Kristine: kristineturner
I also might have found Cameron's--I found a flashback photo on Kristine's on Endurance and he commented on it. camuran